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      Digital Core REIT meltdown!?

      $DigiCore Reit USD(DCRU.SI)$ , the only pure-play data centre REIT that was listed on the Singapore stock exchange last year has seen its unit price tanking down the past few days.Even though its IPO got oversubscribed by 19.4 times and the unit price closed around USD1 per unit after IPO at USD 0.88, many would have bemoaned their luck for missing out on the IPO.However, fast forward to today, where the unit price is currently trading at USD 0.95 per unit, unitholders that have bought it at the high price might be uncomfortable with the recent bankruptcy of its fifth-largest tenant - Sungard.  Here are some important points you need to know before making any investment decision.1. Digital Realty, Digital Core R
      Digital Core REIT meltdown!?
    • KayaPlusKayaPlus

      Is Netflix Broken?

      $Netflix(NFLX.US)$ stock has been taking another round of tanking after releasing its latest Q1'22 results. This is the second rout its share price is facing since its previous quarter results.Netflix's meltdown started on the 20th of January, 2022 when its Q4'21 results were released. The main reason for the first round of sell-offs is a significant drop in the growth of new subscribers. Hence, that did not sit well with the market's expectations.Source: Netflix Inc. Q4'21 Letter to shareholders pg. 3Coming into Q1'22 results, Netflix's report and guidance led to another round of bloodshed. Here are some of the key points you should be wary of.1. Still highlighting winning over linear TVNetflix's business has undergone a few iterations since its founding. Netflix first started off as a ma
      Is Netflix Broken?
    • KayaPlusKayaPlus

      Is it the end for Zoom Video Communications

      If last year someone told you that $Zoom Video Communications(ZM.US)$ will be trading at just USD 210 a share, no one would have believed you.Zoom had been one of the pandemic beneficiary companies as we demanded more and a better video conferencing app. During a time where $Alphabet-A(GOOGL.US)$ and $Microsoft(MSFT.US)$ were struggling to optimize their video conferencing app, Zoom emerged as the best option.Today, due to the slowing down of growth and a rather niche service just centralizing around video conferencing, Zoom share prices are suppressed. Here are a few points to take note of based on their latest Q3-22 results1. Revenue grew 35% YoY2. Zoom phone, in particular, saw triple-digit growth YoY, reaching 30 customers with 10k+ paid seats3. Customers contributing to more than $100
      Is it the end for Zoom Video Communications
    • KayaPlusKayaPlus

      揭秘顶级手套 Top Glove 股票回购的操作

      $顶级手套有限公司(BVA.SI)$  是少数在疫情下业绩不断创新高并发红股给股民的公司。在这之后,它却非常激进的前前后后进行了多次的股票回购。通常,如果公司做出发红股 (Bonus Issue) 或股票回购 (Share Buyback),一定程度上是为股东创造价值。 但是,这两个操作是相对的而且不会同时进行的。因此顶级手套的这一系列的操作的确引起不少业内人士的关注。我们尝试将所数据整理在一起以方便解读它背后的点点滴滴。以下是我们整理出来的五个要点并主观的认为它们的股票回购并没有对股东产生正面的效益。以下的数据呈现是我们在顶级手套发红股后的股票回购数据整理后的发现- 2020年9月9日至2021年2月24日(截至撰写本文为止)。1. 顶级手套在9月20日至3月21日共花费了14.23亿马币进行股票回购顶级手套股票回购的数据. 资料来源: Bursa Malaysia/Top Glove自发行红股以来,Top Glove花费了14.23亿令吉进行股票回购。 在过去的几个月中,股价一直在下降。 而几乎50%的回购在加权平均股价超过每股7马币的情况下进行。因此,整个股票回购的加权平均股价为每股RM 7.11。 它总共回购了200,167,700股股票,总价值为14.23亿马币2. 股票回购的金额是2021首两个季度净利润的27%2021首两个季度,顶级手套 Top Glove 的净利润达到52.3亿令吉。2020年9月4日是它首次对股票进行回购。 因此,这意味着我们整理的数据是在同一个财政年度内。 在52.3亿令吉的净利润中,有14.23亿令吉被用于股票回购。(27%)3. 14.23亿令吉是Top Glove Bhd 固定资产(Propert
      揭秘顶级手套 Top Glove 股票回购的操作
    • KayaPlusKayaPlus


      B站 $哔哩哔哩(BILI)$ 对于不熟悉中国的投资者们,简单来说它就像是中国的YouTube。不过,它也拥有类似于Netflix和Twitch平台的产品和服务。像 $Netflix, Inc.(NFLX)$ 和YouTube这样拥有高流量的视频平台绝对是价值投资者会关注的科技公司。但是,大多数美国的视屏平台都已经过了高速成长的阶段,挖掘下一个Netflix和YouTube才是价值投资者该做的事。哔哩哔哩 (Bilibili) 是一个以中国为基地的视频平台。到目前为止,它显示出惊人的增长,并且具有令人振奋的业务生态整合。如果你有兴趣考虑Bilibili,您千万不能错过以下的9件事。1. 这是一个在学生时代创立的公司B站的崛起的一个偶然的时间。在它创立之前,中国已经拥有一个知名的视频平台专注于动漫,漫画和游戏(ACG)的内容。AcFun,是第一个专注于ACG的视屏平台并成功聚集许许多多的动漫粉丝在一起浏览和创造视频内容。由于名称以A开头,并且也是同类中的第一个,因此AcFun也被称为A站。但是,A站的创始人同样是以个学生,经费的不足让其服务器经常不稳定,有时甚至可以下岗数月,机缘巧合下,一位喜爱ACG文化的学生徐逸决定建立一个替代的网站让动漫粉可以在A站下岗时聚集的平台。徐逸. 照片来源: cm3721.com 徐逸起初将该平台命名为Mikufans.cn,后来才将其品牌重新定位才有了今天的哔哩哔哩。它是继A站之后的另一个类似的平台,也被统称为B站2. 陈睿是现任的CEO陈睿. 照片来源: Imagine China/News
    • KayaPlusKayaPlus

      投资ThaiBev (SGX:Y92) 必须了解的7件事

      资料来源:公司网站Thai Beverage Public Company Limited (泰国酿酒),或更常被称为ThaiBev (SGX:Y92),是泰国最大的酿酒商之一,同时也是东南亚最大的酿酒商。该公司的业务主要在泰国中南半岛地区,于新加坡证券交易所上市。在考虑对ThaiBev进行投资之前,您需要了解以下7件事。1.这是一家多元化的食品饮料公司ThaiBev以其标志性的Chang啤酒(大象啤酒)而闻名。除了啤酒业务,它还拥有多家连锁餐厅,提供泰国美食,西餐和亚洲美食。它也是泰国的肯德基和星巴克连锁店的主要加盟商。ThaiBev拥有的快速服务餐厅(QSR)以及咖啡和面包店连锁店的一些示例。资料来源:年度报告不仅如此,它还以Oishi品牌推出了冷冻食品和配料。Oishi品牌冷藏和冷冻即食产品归ThaiBev所有。资料来源:年度报告2.以Chang Beer 象牌啤酒而闻名,但烈酒才是主要的盈利来源ThaiBev按产品类别划分的收入和利润。资料来源:年度报告我们大多数人都将Chang啤酒视为ThaiBev的标志性品牌。但是,正是他们的烈酒(Spirits)业务贡献了他们的大部分利润。他们的烈酒业务约占其2020年经营净利润的85%(不包括 F&N / FPL和其他一次性费用)3.它拥有多种的烈酒产品ThaiBev的烈酒产品组合。资料来源:ThaiBev年度报告和网站ThaiBev的大多数的烈酒品牌仅闻名于本地市场如 Mekhong,SangSom,Hong Thong,Mungkorn Thong和Blend 285等品牌主导了泰国烈酒市场。但是对于国际市场而言,ThaiBev还拥有一系列苏格兰品牌。它在苏格兰的品牌组合包括Old Pulteney,anCnoc,Speyburn和Balblair。除此之外,它还拥有一家位于缅甸的威士忌酒厂Grand Royal Gro
      投资ThaiBev (SGX:Y92) 必须了解的7件事
