• 飞飞618飞飞618
      $SMC.HK 20241030 33.00 CALL$ 10.7当时有三个想法:1.空港股的中芯。估值实在贵的离谱,a股中芯又连续涨了3个20%,短线过度透支。2.空港股的融创。对于一家底部涨5倍的破产地产公司,空是送钱的机会。3.空港股的招商证券,港股在10.7估值比a股还贵。最后因为招证没有期权而放弃。
    • vicfyauvicfyau
      ·10-12 08:24

      Investing in the Future of Autonomous Technology: Robotaxis, Robovans, and Tesla Bots

      Market Overview: The Autonomous Revolution The market for autonomous vehicles and robots is set to undergo a significant transformation over the next few years. Tesla's $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$  advancements in self-driving technology, AI, and cost-effective production are positioned to disrupt several industries, from transportation to logistics and human-robot interaction. This report focuses on how investors can capitalize on the emerging robotaxi, robovan, and Tesla Bot industries, as these innovations are expected to redefine mobility and personal assistance. With the launch of fully unsupervised Full Self-Driving (FSD) technology in states like Texas and California by next year, and the mass rollout of Cyberc
      Investing in the Future of Autonomous Technology: Robotaxis, Robovans, and Tesla Bots
    • 飞飞618飞飞618
      $SUN.HK 20241030 3.70 CALL$ 当然,空个股需要非常谨慎,多头是港股的互联网公司。个人认为,这样的个股对冲胜率非常高。
    • 飞飞618飞飞618
      $PDD 20241018 145.0 PUT$ 作为中概的龙头,调整一波之后用卖出看跌期权表达观点~
    • 小虎访谈小虎访谈
      ·10-11 15:19


      各位虎友们好呀,还记得卖陆家嘴豪宅用来炒股的 @狮子做趋势交易 吗:【虎友访谈】狮子做:卖陆家嘴一栋豪宅来换钱炒股,在近期的中概行情里,他提前几天布局了 $老虎证券(TIGR)$ ,在利好发布后,他认为老虎作为“牛市的旗手”,更是大力加仓,成功获得了26倍的收益[强]!当前,他认为中概股和港股可能是近10年来最重要的一次机会,而当前的回调也是意料之中的。这种调整是股市走得更久更高的必要过程,他也趁低加仓了 $三倍做多富时中国ETF-Direxion(YINN)$ 等股票。来吧虎友们,让我们一起来听听他们的投资心得大分享吧[你懂的][你懂的]Q: 距离我们上次访谈已经有一段时间啦,老师和我们更新一下近况吧投资上有一个变化:一直到9月之前,我几乎只在美股交易。这两周来,我的关注重心和操作重心发生了重大转移,向中概股和A股大幅倾斜。原先在美股交易时,我基本很少碰中概股。生活上没有什么变化,老婆还是原来的老婆[笑哭]。还有一个投资情况,虽然与股票无关,但也算是投资。去年我在帖子里提到,我卖掉了一套房子,当时觉得时机还不错,虽然并不是最高点。我其实早就有卖的打算,2022年11月后,我才下定决心出手。由于我的工作与房地产行业相关,我对这个行业的了解角度和普通大众略有不同,所以我很久以来就不看好。2022年11月的情况让我更加坚定了出手的决心。去年卖房的价格比历史最高价低了10%到15%左右,现在估计又降
    • 朱太闹朱太闹
    • vicfyauvicfyau
      ·10-11 19:35

      Gold Prices on the Move – Should You Add Barrick Gold to Your Portfolio?

      Overview Gold prices $XAU/USD(XAUUSD.FOREX)$   have shown some volatility in recent days, responding to mixed U.S. inflation and employment data, and Federal Reserve officials’ comments on the rate outlook. As the market continues to speculate about a potential 0.25% interest rate cut, gold prices experienced a brief dip but later stabilized. The key question for investors now is whether to add to gold-related stocks such as Barrick Gold$Barrick Gold Corp(GOLD)$  , especially as the price of spot gold rebounds and investor sentiment on interest rates remains largely unchanged. Gold Price Movements Spot Gold Price Recover
      Gold Prices on the Move – Should You Add Barrick Gold to Your Portfolio?
    • vicfyauvicfyau

      NVIDIA's Breakthrough: Seizing Opportunities in the AI Revolution

      Market Overview NVIDIA's $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$  recent announcement of aggressively advancing its chip performance, with plans to upgrade twice to three times a year, has captured investor attention worldwide. The company is positioned to drive significant cost reductions in artificial intelligence (AI), opening up new growth potential across multiple sectors. The announcement has triggered a ripple effect in the broader markets, leading to bullish sentiment in AI-related industries and beyond. At the same time, Impax Asset Management recently seized the opportunity to buy into NVIDIA during a major sell-off, a decision that may signal renewed confidence in the company’s long-term potential. Impax's investment mov
      NVIDIA's Breakthrough: Seizing Opportunities in the AI Revolution
    • 克里斯自由克里斯自由
      ·10-12 20:42
    • vicfyauvicfyau

      US Tech Stocks Surge on AI and Advanced Packaging Boom

      Overview of Overall Markets The global semiconductor industry is experiencing a major shift, driven by advancements in AI, cloud computing, and high-performance chip design. Companies like Nvidia $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$  , AMD $Advanced Micro Devices(AMD)$  , Apple $Apple(AAPL)$  , Microsoft $Microsoft(MSFT)$  , and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) $Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing(TSM)$  
      US Tech Stocks Surge on AI and Advanced Packaging Boom
    • 金刚魔鬼跳跳虎金刚魔鬼跳跳虎
      ·10-10 22:58
      $DJT 20241108 30.0 CALL$  在涉足期权这个充满机遇与挑战的领域之前,我就听闻它如同一片波涛汹涌的大海,既蕴含着无尽的财富宝藏,也潜藏着足以将人吞噬的巨大风险。然而,对财富增长的渴望以及对未知领域的好奇还是驱使我毅然踏上了这条充满曲折的道路。 起初,我怀揣着对期权交易的基本理论知识和满腔的热情进入了这个市场。我做了大量的研究,分析各种标的资产的走势,学习不同的期权策略。刚开始的时候,我似乎受到了幸运女神的眷顾。我根据自己精心研究的成果,果断地买入了一些看涨期权。市场走势就如同我所预期的那样,标的资产价格稳步上升,我的期权价值也随之水涨船高。那段时间,每天看着账户里的盈利不断增加,我的内心充满了喜悦和自豪。我仿佛已经看到了财富自由的大门在向我缓缓打开,盈利的比例迅速攀升到了30%左右。这时候的我,被胜利冲昏了头脑,开始觉得自己是期权交易的天才,对自己的判断充满了过度的自信。 然而,市场就像是一个喜怒无常的孩子。突然,毫无征兆地,一些负面消息冲击了市场,标的资产价格开始急剧下跌。我眼睁睁地看着自己的盈利一点点地被吞噬,刚刚还在欢呼雀跃的我,瞬间被恐慌所笼罩。我的盈利不仅迅速缩水,而且很快就陷入了亏损的境地,亏损比例一度达到了20%。这种大起大落的感觉就像是坐过山车,从云端瞬间跌入了谷底。我开始怀疑自己之前的所有决策,焦虑和不安充斥着我的内心。 但是,我知道在这个时候不能被情绪所左右。我冷静下来,重新审视自己的策略。我发现自己之前过于激进,没有充分考虑到风险因素。于是,我调整了自己的期权组合,采用了一种更加保守但也更具防御性的策略。我卖出了一些虚值的看涨期权,同时买入了一些看跌期权来对冲风险。这个决策在当时面临着很大的争议,很多人
    • 投阅笔记投阅笔记
      ·10-11 09:57


      $Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ $Recursion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(RXRX)$ $Tempus AI(TEM)$ 本文是美股实盘第二篇,上篇文章:美股实盘:盈利375.40%以及调仓            1、总收益率              如上图所示,目前账户总收益来到了408.35%,上次是375.40%,可以看到收益略有上升,接下来说下持仓个股。            2、持仓个股                  如上图所示,目前持仓三个股票:PLTR(持仓占比80.93%,上次是76.05%)、TEM(持仓占比17.06%,上次是21.64%)、RXRX(持仓占比1.65%,上次是2.01%),,如下图所示目前PLTR+172.54%(持仓成本16)、TEM-15.49%(持仓成本54.41),RXRX-23.82%(持仓成本8.41)。 可以看到组合这段时间的收益主要来自PLTR,TEM自上次纳入后拉低了组合(收益率-15.49%),RXRX相比上次收益率还是进一步下降。             
    • vicfyauvicfyau

      AI Investments Under Pressure: Navigating OpenAI's Forecasted Losses

      Market Overview: The financial landscape is reacting to the latest reports about OpenAI, as the company faces escalating losses projected to reach $14 billion by 2026. This could significantly impact major stakeholders like Microsoft $Microsoft(MSFT)$  , which holds a 49% stake in OpenAI. Amid these developments, Microsoft’s rating has been downgraded by Oppenheimer, citing concerns over AI investments' profitability. Furthermore, the Federal Reserve's recent interest rate cuts may reduce Microsoft's net interest income from its cash reserves, increasing downward pressure on its financial performance. Tech Stocks: Pressure Mounts on AI Giants Microsoft's Outlook: Oppenheimer’s downgrade of Microsoft reflects gr
      AI Investments Under Pressure: Navigating OpenAI's Forecasted Losses
    • vicfyauvicfyau

      NVIDIA Showcases Energy-Efficient AI Chips Amid Power Concerns

      Overview of Overall Markets NVIDIA $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$   and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) $Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing(TSM)$  made headlines this week with significant announcements that reflect the ongoing advancements in AI and semiconductor technology. NVIDIA’s new energy-efficient Blackwell chips, designed to meet the growing power demands of AI computing, coupled with TSMC’s strong revenue performance driven by robust AI chip demand, have sparked optimism in the tech sector. Both companies continue to lead in their respective markets, positioning themselves well in the global semiconductor race. N
      NVIDIA Showcases Energy-Efficient AI Chips Amid Power Concerns
    • vicfyauvicfyau

      Google Faces Potential Breakup: How Investors Can Benefit

      Overview: Global Markets React to Antitrust News The global markets are closely watching developments surrounding the U.S. Department of Justice's (DOJ) recommendation to break up parts of Google's (Alphabet Inc.) $Alphabet(GOOG)$  business. This historic move, if implemented, would be the first forced corporate breakup in over 40 years, with the DOJ citing Google’s dominance in the search and AI markets as damaging to competition. As investors digest this news, tech stocks face heightened volatility, while other sectors may present opportunities. Tech Sector: Volatility and Potential Opportunities The tech sector, particularly large-cap tech companies, will be in focus. Alphabet (GOOG) shares may experience tu
      Google Faces Potential Breakup: How Investors Can Benefit
    • SwishSwish
      ·10-12 14:35
      $TSLA 20241011 200.0 PUT$ sp tsla末日期权,捡几个硬币
    • 蓝光xgc蓝光xgc
      ·10-12 08:19
      特斯拉发布会前开仓了一个宽跨式期权,会后单边行情收益$TSLL 宽跨式期权 241011 11.0P/14.0C$ 100$TSLL 20241011 11.0 PUT$  $TSLL 20241011 14.0 CALL$  
    • BJ20160402BJ20160402
      ·10-12 13:17
      $TSLA 20241011 222.5 PUT$  瞎猫碰见死耗子
    • vicfyauvicfyau

      Apple Faces Production Cuts: Investing in a Staggered iPhone Cycle

      Overview of Overall Markets The broader tech sector experienced a mixed performance in recent weeks. While Artificial Intelligence (AI) advancements have largely driven tech stocks, news surrounding Apple Inc. $Apple(AAPL)$  has sparked concerns about the iPhone production cycle, leading to market fluctuations. Investors are assessing the long-term impact of reduced iPhone shipments on Apple’s stock value and the wider tech industry. Bond yields have been rising, which has increased pressure on growth stocks, including Apple, as investors weigh the impact of higher interest rates on future earnings. Apple Segment: iPhone Cuts and AI Hesitations Apple’s decision to cut production of its iPhone 16 by 3 million un
      Apple Faces Production Cuts: Investing in a Staggered iPhone Cycle
    • vicfyauvicfyau

      Gold Prices Face Pressure as Rate Hike Fears Resurface: Should You Add to Barrick Gold Stock?

      Overview of Gold Market Movements Gold prices $XAU/USD(XAUUSD.FOREX)$  have recently experienced their largest single-day drop in a month and a half, driven by renewed concerns over interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve (Fed). On Tuesday (Oct 8), spot gold fell by 1.1% to $2,614.49 per ounce, marking its fifth consecutive day of decline. December gold futures also dropped 1.1%, closing at $2,635.40. This decline has pulled gold further away from its September 26 record high of $2,685.42. As the Fed's monetary policy becomes increasingly scrutinized, should investors consider adding to their position in Barrick Gold$Barrick Gold Corp(GOLD)$  ? Impa
      Gold Prices Face Pressure as Rate Hike Fears Resurface: Should You Add to Barrick Gold Stock?