
    • yeppyyeppy
      This company has not shared its money so far. So, FB has availability to gather plenty of money to bear this tough and fluctuating market. Buy Buy Buy. If you want to make money. $Meta Platforms, Inc.(FB)$
    • yeppyyeppy
      Relax people this is a normal market correction. 10% corrections on avg happen once every year. Fed raising rates is very normal and needed. High flyers will correct harder but that’s ok too. Stay with quality tech like Msft, Apple, Goog, etc…$Microsoft(MSFT)$ $Alphabet(GOOG)$ $Apple(AAPL)$
    • yeppyyeppy
      People seem to be shaking because PFE going a little down this week of trading,, This is why am old school investment type, I don’t do margin calls and I don’t do options trading. I buy my shares raw. 1 for 1, I hold as long as I like no headache,, I already feel where this stock going to be at in a few years .. stock up and down not borders me at all 116 shares and counting. Give a like you an old school type investor.$Pfizer(PFE)$
    • yeppyyeppy
      NVIDIA Blog: NVIDIA RTX is the most advanced platform for ray tracing and AI technologies that are revolutionizing the ways we play and create. And RTX momentum continues to build. Since last CES, we have added over 150 RTX games and applications now supporting RTX accelerated innovations like GPU-accelerated ray tracing, and AI-powered NVIDIA Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS). At CES 2022, the tech industry’s biggest trade show, we’re announcing that RTX technologies are coming to The Day Before, Rainbow Six Extraction, Escape From Tarkov, SUPER PEOPLE, Hitman III, Voidtrain, The Anacrusis, Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis, Ratten Reich, and Midnight Ghost Hunt.$NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$
    • yeppyyeppy
      If you own SE to hold long-term for at least 5 years, buy the dip and forget about it. Check after 5 years how much it went up, darn this is a no-brainer long play! 😂 Chinese investors are cashing out, just like when they banned the crypto some months ago, it will recover eventually. $Sea Ltd(SE)$
    • yeppyyeppy
      What a stupid mistake it was to buy Tesla shares when all the pumping started. In 1 year, Tesla is up only 30%, while Ford is up 170% and climbing. These pumpers don't know what they are talking about! I'm selling Tesla before it goes to zero! $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$
    • yeppyyeppy
      NVDA has a market cap of ~$700 billion and a P/E and a P/E of 87 with EPS of 3.24. AMD has a market cap of $168 billion with an EPS of $3.24 and a P/E of 43. If AMD catches up with NVDA's valuation it should trade at 700/168x140=$583 and I doubt analysts are not aware of that fact. It is all a matter of time before AMD sp reaches $200+.$NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ $AMD(AMD)$
    • yeppyyeppy
      Jegg Metchem senior analyst of BAC said that PFE has a lot of other things in their pipeline. They could have a !00 billion in revenue over the next four years. He believes they will be looking to bolt on acquisitions to boost their pipeline. He feels that PFE is better positioned going forward than MRNA because MRNA has to prove its pipeline. He believes countries will stock pile PFE's oral treatment to guard against flare-ups. He also said the oral is far more profitable because they don't have to share it with BNTX. I guess that explains his $70 price target. I think I got his major points right. $Pfizer(PFE)$
    • yeppyyeppy
      I was going to add some before the bell but then remembered this is Pfizer. All year long good news was followed by a steep drop in share price. So I've taken off my ask and I'm going to wait for a cheaper price. Because I know it's right around the corner. If history repeats itself. $Pfizer(PFE)$
    • yeppyyeppy
      Pfizer raised the full-year sales forecast for its Covid-19 vaccine to $36 billion, as it has signed deals with countries for booster doses and received clearances for using its shots in children. Price has not reflected the existing drugs, pipelines of drugs, and what appearing to be a recurring revenue. The market is shifting to value stocks, companies that making real money and free cash flow. Pfizer can double the stock price from here easily with the leadership in vaccine and pills for COVID, and breakthrough in other areas. It should buy back shares, pay special dividend and raise prices.$Pfizer(PFE)$
