桥水对冲基金深度翻译——An In-Depth Look at Deleveraging, (三)

声明:此篇文章为传奇对冲基金桥水(Bridgewater Capital) 资本创始人雷达里奥 (Ray Dalio) 的深度经济观点。本篇翻译仅作为和同好交流学习之用途,非作商业用途。





桥水对冲基金深度翻译——An In-Depth Look at Deleveraging, (一)

桥水对冲基金深度翻译——An In-Depth Look at Deleveraging, (二)

A Closer Look at Each

United States Depression and Reflation, 1930-1937


As explained, the US Great Deleveraging in the 1930s transpired in two phases – a deflationary depression from 1930 through 1932, and a reflationary deleveraging from 1933 to 1937. The charts below show debt levels against nominal GDP growth year over year (left chart) and against the total return of stocks (right chart). Debt levels as % of GDP are on the right axis of each chart. The line shows where there was a significant amount of “money printing”. 


The first phase is labeled (1) and the second phase is labeled (2). During the first phase (the “ugly deflationary depression” phase), income and credit collapsed, with nominal growth rates falling significantly below nominal interest rates, and the economy contracted while the debt/income ratio rose. As shown, it followed the stock market bubble bursting in September 1929. 


As a result of that private sector deleveraging, incomes collapsed, to the point that they were declining by nearly 30% per year at the end of 1932. Because of the fall in incomes, debt/GDP rose from roughly 150% to 250% of GDP (as shown on the left). Through this time stocks fell by more than 80% (as shown on the right). This first phase ended and the second phase began when the money printing started in March 1933. FDR broke the peg to gold and the dollar fell 40% from 21 dollars/ounce to 35 over the course of the year. This reflation also led to rising economic activity, and nominal growth to be above nominal interest rates. 1937 is when it ended in response to the Fed turning restrictive which caused a “re”cession (which is when the term was invented).

私有部门领域的去杠杆的结果是收入如同雪崩似地锐减,直到在1932年年底,每年甚至达到了将近30%的下滑。由于收入的锐减,债务对GDP从GDP的150% 大约增长到了GDP的250% (如左图所示)。这次股票市场表现下滑了80%(如右图所示)第一个阶段结束,当1933年3月的大量印钞开始时,第二阶段也开始了。Franklin Delano Roosevelt 富兰克林·德兰诺·罗斯福,将黄金以及美元之间的绑定关系摧毁了(亦即放弃了金本位),美元兑黄金从21美元/昂司跌到35美元/昂司。如此的再通胀同样刺激了经济行为,名义增长再次高于名义利率。直到1937年美联储再次转向严厉的市场态度并导致了一个再次的衰退(1937年这也是单词recession被创造的年份)

IIn March of '33, the Fed eased by devaluing the dollar against gold and kept interest rates low for many years. Most of the additional balance sheet expansion was to buy gold to keep the value of the dollar depressed. While the Fed made money easy through low rates and currency, it did not directly buy many risky assets (unlike today as we discuss further below).


The table below tells this story more precisely. During the “ugly deflationary depression”, incomes collapsed as nominal GDP fell 17% per year, about half from deflation and half from the collapse in real demand. As a result, nominal growth was 20.4% below nominal rates, and debt to GDP rose at a rate of 32% per year. Beginning March 1933, the government devalued the dollar against gold and from ’33-‘37 it increased money supply roughly 1.7% of GDP. Nominal growth recovered at a rate of 9.2% in this period, a combination of 7.2% real growth and moderate 2% inflation. Nominal GDP rose to 6.3% above rates. The private sector reduced its debt burdens, while government borrowing grew with incomes.


Nominal growth falls to -17% because of deflation and negative real growth before recovering to 9.2%

在增长率恢复到9.2% 前,萧条以及负经济增长使得名义增长下降至-17%

The chart below shows an over time picture of the same basic attribution shown earlier. Relative to GDP, total debt was the same in 1937 as in 1930. In between, it ballooned because of a contraction in incomes from deflation and negative real growth. The reversal of the debt burden was driven by a rise in incomes to 1930 levels in nominal terms. Borrowing for interest payments was mostly offset by paying down of debts. 


This reversal in incomes was also the primary driver of changes in debt burdens for the private sector, along with debt pay-downs. Defaults were a small driver. 


The stock of government debt was small at the onset of the depression. Initially, this debt burden rose because of the collapse in income. Nominal government debt levels increased following 1933 because of larger fiscal deficits, while the income recovery cushioned the increase in these burdens. 


As shown below, the catalyst for the recovery was the printing and dollar devaluation against gold. Price levels turned at this point, from declining at an average rate of 8% to increasing roughly 2% per year. This is a good example of how printing negated deflation rather than triggering high inflation. 


Credit stopped declining at this point and stabilized at low levels of creation, while money printing increased moderately. 


With the different policy steps taken from 1933 through 1937, nominal GDP growth moved substantially above government rates, greatly reducing debt burdens.

伴随着从1933年到1937年采取的不同政策,名义GDP实现了显著的增长 ,最终高于政府制定的利率水平,而这也极大地减少了债务压力。

This nominal GDP growth consisted of strong real growth (from a depressed level) and moderate inflation. 






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