
    • EdwardHughesEdwardHughes
      apple will never stop a continuous upward climb..some stops and some dips ...but tech is oxygen we can't live without it...the 3trillion grows fast...even government regulations won't do much at this point...if Apple makes poor products in the future it certainly will hurt but you would be well informed and then get out....this is the best company with few exceptions to patterned with....the dividend doesn't hurt either... thanks especially to Apple 🍎$Apple(AAPL)$
    • EdwardHughesEdwardHughes
      While China haven’t labeled NFTs illegal, it’s a grey area where any participant must tread carefully to avoid unwanted scrutiny. Domestic firms such as Tencent Holdings Ltd. and Ant Group Co. have issued NFTs on their tightly-controlled blockchain platforms. Domestic media had warned of “blind speculation” in NFTs. Xinhua’s “digital news collectibles” will have unique identification and ownership information on a blockchain from Tencent Cloud, and are of “special commemorative significance and collection value,” . Tencent and Ant also previously changed the name for NFTs on their platforms to “digital collectibles. Does this mean that it is possible to use digital collectibles for the development of nft in the future? Is it an opportunity? $TENCENT(00
    • EdwardHughesEdwardHughes
      Want more evidence of CNBC talking heads helping themselves and trying to ignore successful Chinese companies. Instead of saying XPEV performed as the best stock of the day with over 10.30% up, they say Tripadvisor was the best performing....up 8%. This is the bias and prejudice. They don't even mention ARK invested for a 3rd time in XPEV. Another opportunity and conviction stock of mine that I've mentioned before is SOFI, which you want to collect under $15. Never sell. Keep buying. Keep holding.$XPeng Inc.(XPEV)$ $TripAdvisor(TRIP)$ $SoFi Technologies Inc.(SOFI)$
    • EdwardHughesEdwardHughes
      Anchorage Capital Group, LLC has announced it is shutting down due to significant losses. The hedge fund is closing after 18 years and returning the $7.4 billion dollars it manages back to clients. Their credit fund, Anchorage Capital Partners is suspending clients’ ability to get their money back, via WSJ. Anchorage Capital was one of the top 10 financial institutions shorting AMC stock and now they’re throwing in the towel.$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$ $Anchorage International Holdings Corp.(AHCP)$
    • EdwardHughesEdwardHughes
      The ONLY reason why Disney was trading absurdly high was Disney+. Streaming is still quite fragmented and Disney+ is just another app sitting on FireTV and Roku. That MASSIVE gap in hours of content available between Disney+ and Netflix will be difficult to overcome. $165-$170, maybe? $Walt Disney(DIS)$
    • EdwardHughesEdwardHughes
      People forget. Last time rates when up, Amazon was trading at 185 times/ NVDA 45 times/ FB 45 times...etc etc....growth stocks did great. Its all fake noise to scare people out. Maybe they are dumping margin...ok...but when that ends money will pile back into growth. So, don't worry. $AMD(AMD)$ $Amazon.com(AMZN)$ $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ $Meta Platforms, Inc.(FB)$
    • EdwardHughesEdwardHughes
      Those tablets before the iPad were thick, heavy and ran Windows. Pure #$%$ Apple AR glasses or VR goggles need to be light and powerful. If Apple can pull that off, Apple will be the company to take the lead in AR and VR consumer hardware.$Apple(AAPL)$
    • EdwardHughesEdwardHughes
      except it is still priced for about 40% annual growth or more. Stock is falling faster than I expected. I'll be interested when it gets in the $100 dollar range. Though if it keeps going down at this pace maybe more like the $75 dollar range.$Upstart Holdings, Inc.(UPST)$
    • EdwardHughesEdwardHughes
      Roku announced that it is establishing and investing in an office in the city of Amsterdam. Roku plans to expand its existing presence in The Netherlands to help support its international growth. European consumers on average are more value driven than the American consumer. This bodes well for Roku. I always believed Roku would do very well in Europe for this exact reason. All it takes is a little time to see the results.$Roku Inc(ROKU)$
    • EdwardHughesEdwardHughes
      Relax, pfizer will also be the first to have vaccine for new variant. Tailoring vaccines for prevailing virus is done for flu shot every year. Nothing new.$Pfizer(PFE)$
