
    • smile000smile000
      pumping a stock thats over 50% down in the last 6 months.$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$
    • smile000smile000
      The fake media has overblown omicron and this has the markets panicked, however everyone knows how this plays out worse case unlike in March of 2020 when people were imagining lockdowns that might devastate the economy. Yes, the economy took a hit but not as bad as people had imagined. Today the trucking problem at the LA harbor causing supply chain issues and high inflation caused by over stimulus are worse issues than a new variant that has very mild symptoms. As soon as the governments stop listening to the fake media then things will start to calm down. I suggest taking profits while they are available to take.$ProShares Ultra VIX Short Term Futures(UVXY)$
    • smile000smile000
      Not sure how many truly believe in the 12/9 split rumors? I for one don’t, but I won’t go into why I think that’s unlikely. Rather, I’ll admit that I’m going to ride the non-fundamental reasons we’ll see 1200’s again as others bid TSLA up in anticipation of a possible split. If we see 1300 by 12/8, I’m likely selling my 500 shares. At the very least, I’m selling 250, so I reclaim my initial investment from a $653 entry (100% gain as of that point), and let the profits “ride or die”. Anyways, up or down, enjoy the ride and may everyone make money along the way!$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$
    • smile000smile000
      GoodNews there is no way in the world the Adenovirus will be able to address Omicron and this is why: 1. Adenovirus blunting effect 2. High and serious side effects - clots & Guilean Barre Syndrome 3. Long lag time for platform adaption 4. Zero published boosting studies buplished 5. Poor public perception$BioNTech SE(BNTX)$
    • smile000smile000
      With a positive earnings report and headway’s with the overseas government on e-cigarettes this will definitely go up, the negativity against this Chinese stock will disappear because there’s real money to be made here, the projected price is expected to triple in the next 12 months, let’s go longs! Buy and Hold!$RLX Technology(RLX)$
    • smile000smile000
      not bad, tesla stays green while Nasdaq drops 1.16%$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$
    • smile000smile000
      Pfizer Assigned Outperform Rating by BMO on 'Solid' Fundamentals Target $60 ... interesting they wait and accumulate ... Just look at 20 other rating still hold $42-$44 ... and MRK buy $100-$120 ... Go figure... We will be $60 soon.... Happy Thanksgiving...$Pfizer(PFE)$
    • smile000smile000
      Let's not forget the downward pressure of the slow sales release of 50 million shares hss caused some of this share price loss this week. Also the unknown on how long this will drag on for until finished causes confusion and investors hate confusion when investing. I recently sold for a profit and will get back in before bank charter announcement and when share price is closer to its 200 MDA in the low $19 range. I see bank charter announcement by the end of December or early January. Most likely January though. Once the selling pressure stops the share price will rebound quickly before bank charter. After bank charter I believe we head to the $40+ range in 2022 and then upward from their with good to great qrtly earnings and new customers added. Getting student loans back going again afte
    • smile000smile000
      why didn't this stock get shorts attacked? NVDA, TSLA, WMT, TGT, LOW were all attacked by shorts. This one didn't even have user growth in US, but the stock price still keeps up while it keeps losing money with high PE during inflation... make no sense Cowboy Bebop releases on NFLX this Friday Nov. 19th. It will be another megahit.$Netflix, Inc.(NFLX)$
    • smile000smile000
      I am a long with Microsoft for the last 3 years and have done well. You may want to consider TTD and DT, both have more runway and have done well by me and continue to make me money. Research for yourself and let me know your thoughts, I would not sell this stock for them but you may want to consider a small position. Good luck to all$Microsoft(MSFT)$
