
    • AwayawayAwayaway
      $Affirm Holdings, Inc.(AFRM)$ I do pray this turn out to be The next $Upstart Holdings, Inc.(UPST)$ . Otherwise I will be forever remember for the one who bought at the top. I might sell my husband kidney to average down….
    • AwayawayAwayaway
      $Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ the contracts will continue to build up and investors will be happy, few years time and several great earnings later. If you can’t be patient, then you can day trade this stock pretty easily too, or if you’re bored, sell CCs.
    • AwayawayAwayaway
      $$ and it will get to a point where splitting the stock is reacting to a larger problem and it will be obvious. very well could lead to selling.
    • AwayawayAwayaway
      $Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$ is a beast in the making. Hardest thing to do is have patience, could be 2 months, could be 6 months, could be 2 years. The reward is it will come if you strongly believe, follow diligently, and do your research. The market news, all the different stock feeds, people just becoming traders, they all are just NOISE tripping people out. It’s all apart of the game though, just know days feels like months but things will come into fruition. 🤑🔥 $HPIL Holding(HPIL)$ $Albireo Pharma, Inc.(ALBO)$
    • AwayawayAwayaway
      $Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$ LUCID's error was not offering the 166,666,666 (1.66 million) shares to the public / retail investors instead they gave them at a huge discount to institutional investors at $15.00 a share when the outstanding stock of CCIV was trading at $59.00 a share (prior to the quick rise to $64.00 and immediate and then long term tumble to $19.96 on 9/14/21 the day before the PIPE unlocked. Really, talking about selling CCIV holders out. The 166,666,666 would have been snatched up by CCIV holders if offered, but NOOOO, they gave a sweet heart deal to the institutional investors, who are NOT LOYAL, they need their return on investment for their all cost, ergo the HUGE sweet heart deal at $15.00. Nothing like a SPAC Specia
    • AwayawayAwayaway
      Tesla does not buy Cobalt from sources that use children to mine it. They are also changing their batteries to reduce the amount of Cobalt in them.Also, there are good sources of Cobalt here in Canada.$TSLA
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      $AMC院线(AMC)$ In the grand scheme of things, fellow Apes and Apettes, one red day, a couple red days, wtv, are nothing! Look at the past 3 WEEKS! We are doing just AWESOME! Keep your good spirit, one red day does not represent what is to come! 🙏The #MOASS is inevitable!
    • AwayawayAwayaway
      $AMC院线(AMC)$ $游戏驿站(GME)$ We don’t fail, we wait patiently, until the time is right, then let our actions dictate our words!$AMC & $GME are the best investments in the market. This is not hyperbole, it’s fact!We don’t lie! We wont let you fail! Together we’ll financially secure millions upon millions!
    • AwayawayAwayaway
      $AMC院线(AMC)$ I suspect they will short $amc hard to start tomorrow with 1.2M shares to borrow showing. Great opportunity to add shares and get your options set early.(Don’t yolo. Be smart. Buy shares instead of options if you don’t know what you’re doing) Explosive moves Tuesday?
    • AwayawayAwayaway

      Investors Be Like...

      $微软(MSFT)$ Past performance is not a guarantee of future results... You should back test every portfolioWhy are you using that ETF? You should use this ETF that has the same holdingsToo much tech... MSFT and AAPL are the best companiesYou have to pay taxes when you earn money!!!That expense ratio is 0.6%!!!The market is going to crash... Buy and hold foreverDo your due diligence... Just buy index fundsWarren Buffet says...
      Investors Be Like...
