Concerned About Market Volatility? The Covered Call Strategy: Balancing Income and Risk Management
[For Hong Kong Investor Only] During significant market upswings, ETFs that employ a Covered Call strategy may not outperform their underlying indices. This is primarily because the main goal of the Covered Call strategy is to generate income by selling call options, which can result in underperformance in bull market conditions. Nevertheless, the Covered Call strategy offers notable advantages, particularly in terms of stable income potential#. Additionally, by implementing a Covered Call strategy, we can effectively manage portfolio risk and achieve diversification. While there may be some limitations on returns during strong bull markets, Global X's two Covered Call ETFs are designed to provide monthly distributions*. By generating extra cash flow, the Covered Call strategy can enhance
Concerned About Market Volatility? The Covered Call Strategy: Balancing Income and Risk Management
[For Hong Kong Investor Only] During significant market upswings, ETFs that employ a Covered Call strategy may not outperform their underlying indices. This is primarily because the main goal of the Covered Call strategy is to generate income by selling call options, which can result in underperformance in bull market conditions. Nevertheless, the Covered Call strategy offers notable advantages, particularly in terms of stable income potential#. Additionally, by implementing a Covered Call strategy, we can effectively manage portfolio risk and achieve diversification. While there may be some limitations on returns during strong bull markets, Global X's two Covered Call ETFs are designed to provide monthly distributions*. By generating extra cash flow, the Covered Call strategy can enhance
$英伟达(NVDA)$ (Nvidia,NVDA)股价近期反弹,似又重新获得了投资者的青睐。英伟达股票目前已突破50日移动均线。$英伟达(NVDA)$牛市看跌期权价差策略今天研究牛市看跌期权价差策略,但与常规的每月到期期权不同,这个策略将考虑的是更长期的交易。长期期权交易的走势往往比短期交易慢一些。这为调整或平仓提供了更多时间,但也意味着年化回报率较低。提醒一下,牛市看跌价差是一种看涨交易,也可以从隐含波动率的降低中获益。牛市看跌价差的最大利润仅限于收到的权利金,而最大潜在损失也有上限。要计算最大损失,请取买入和卖出期权的行权价格差额,然后减去收到的权利金。英伟达隐含波动率目前为72.4%,这使得英伟达 的 IV 百分位数为96.02%,IV等级为88.78%。请记住,英伟达将于8月28日公布业绩。当进行信用利差(如牛市看跌价差)交易时,最好寻找隐含波动率百分比较高的股票。为了创建牛市看跌价差,我们先卖出一份价外看跌期权,然后再买入一份价外更高的看跌期权。如果我们选择12月份到期的期权,可以卖出执行价格为100美元、12月20日到期的英伟达看跌期权,并买入行权价为95美元的看跌期权,从而创建一个牛市看跌价差策略。周一该价差的交易价格约为1.1美元。这意味着参与该价差的交易者将获得110美元的期权费,并承担最大风险为390美元。