VCI Global Receives Conditional Letter of Award for US$24 Million AI Contract
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, November 27, 2024 – VCI Global Limited (NASDAQ: $VCI Global Ltd.(VCIG)$) (“VCI Global” or the “Company”), through its subsidiary, V-Gallant Sdn. Bhd. (“V-Gallant”), is pleased to announce that it has received a conditional Letter of Award valued at approximately US$24 million from Hexatoff Group Sdn. Bhd. (“Hexatoff Group”) for its proposed data center project in Enstek City, Malaysia. Under the agreement, V-Gallant has been selected to supply cutting-edge AI hardware and software solutions, including an AI computing system featuring 640 units of NVIDIA H200 Tensor Core GPUs. This deployment will support the first phase of Hexatoff Group’s data center development. Hexatoff Group, a turnkey solutions provider specializing in i
VCI Global Regains Compliance with Nasdaq Minimum Bid Price Rule
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, November 26, 2024 – VCI Global Limited (NASDAQ: $VCI Global Ltd.(VCIG)$)(“VCI Global” or the “Company”), a diversified holding company with expertise in consulting, fintech, AI, robotics and cybersecurity, today announced that it has received written notice from the Listing Qualifications Staff of The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC (“Nasdaq”) informing the Company that it has regained compliance with the minimum bid price requirement under Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(a)(2) (the “Rule”) for continued listing. To regain compliance with the Rule, the Company’s stock was required to maintain a minimum closing bid price of $1.00 or more for at least 10 consecutive business days, which was achieved during the period between November 6, 2024,
VCI Global Wins its First AI Contract Worth US$16 Million
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, October 29, 2024 – VCI Global Limited (NASDAQ: $VCI Global Ltd.(VCIG)$) (Frankfurt: H0T) (“VCI Global” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that its subsidiary, V Gallant Sdn Bhd (“V-Gallant”), has been awarded a groundbreaking US$16 million contract to develop an advanced AI digital human-enabled live streaming platform for a Malaysian e-commerce player. This innovative live-streaming platform integrates a comprehensive development strategy that leverages AI servers powered by NVIDIA H200 Tensor Core GPUs and V-Gallant’s AI software. Engineered to deliver high-quality live streaming enhanced by AI digital human solutions, it provides interactive experiences aligned with industry standards and optimized UX. These solutions
VCI Global Completes Founder Group Limited’s IPO on Nasdaq, Records US$5.2 Million in Revenue
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, October 24, 2024 – VCI Global Limited (NASDAQ: $VCI Global Ltd.(VCIG)$ ) (Frankfurt: H0T) (“VCI Global” or the “Company”) is thrilled to announce the successful IPO of its client, Founder Group Limited’s (NASDAQ: $Founder Group Ltd(FGL)$ ) (“FGL”) on Nasdaq on October 23, 2024. FGL is a leading Malaysian solar engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning (EPCC) company that was spun off from Reservoir Link Energy Berhad, a Bursa Malaysia-listed company. With expertise in capital market consultancy, VCI Global facilitated FGL’s entire IPO journey, culminating in its trading debut on Wednesday, which resulted in a market capitalization exceeding US$65 million and raised US$4.875
(吉隆坡21日讯)-- VCI Global Limited (NASDAQ: $VCI Global Ltd.(VCIG)$ )(法兰克福证券交易所:H0T)(“VCI Global”,“VCIG” 或“公司” ),是一家在咨询、金融科技、人工智能、机器人技术和网络安全等领域拥有专业知识的多元化控股公司,现欣然宣布任命 Victor Lee 为新执行董事,任期自 2024 年 11 月 1 日起。此次战略转型旨在加强公司的领导力,更好地配合公司不断发展的业务格局和发展战略。 VCI Global 很高兴欢迎 Victor Lee 接替 Marco Baccanello加入董事会担任执行董事。Victor 是一位经验丰富的私募股权专业人士,在各种资产类别中(包括私募股权、成长资本、杠杆收购、不良资产、风险投资、私募信贷和加密货币)拥有 28 年的经验。 Victor在过去 19 年一直在全球领先的资产管理公司富兰克林邓普顿(Franklin Templeton)工作,担任过私募股权和另类投资策略方面的多个高级职位。作为董事总经理,他在制定另类投资新举措方面发挥了重要作用,并担任 Templeton Private Equity Partners 的合伙人和北亚区私募股权的联席主管。在富兰克林邓普顿的职业生涯中,他利用广泛的网络和深厚的行业资源,在交易发起、结构和战略制定方面发挥了关键作用,重点关注北亚、土耳其和中亚地区。 在 2005 年加入富兰克林邓普顿之前,Victor曾就职于瑞穗证券亚洲有限公司(Mizuho Securities Asia Limited)、CLSA Capital Partners和瑞银集团(UBS Group AG),主要负责亚洲各地的私募股权和杠杆收购交易。在 20
VCI Global 利用NVIDIA的计算基础设施,与V-GALLANT 共同推出企业人工智能(AI)解决方案
(吉隆坡9日讯)-- VCI Global Limited (NASDAQ: $VCI Global Ltd.(VCIG)$)(法兰克福证券交易所:H0T)(“VCI Global”,“VCIG” 或“公司” ),通过其子公司 V Gallant Sdn Bhd(“V-Gallant”),集成配备 NVIDIA H200 Tensor Core GPU 的下一代 AI 服务器和 AI 软件(例如大型语言模型 (LLM) 和自动化机器学习平台),为企业提供端到端 AI 计算解决方案。除了无缝集成之外,企业还可以通过优化计算能力分配、改善数据流和任务自动化来提高运营效率。 V-Gallant 与领先的服务器制造商和解决方案提供商合作,使组织能够充分利用生成式 AI 的最新进展,加速 AI 训练和推理应用。通过将 AI 计算解决方案与强大的服务器基础设施相结合,V-Gallant 在整个过程中为其母公司 VC AI Limited 提供支持——从部署预先训练的模型到进行密集的 LLM 训练和微调。最终,这些合作使企业能够增强其能力,将创新理念转化为功能齐全的系统,使企业能够应对各种用例中最苛刻的 AI 工作负载。 最近的市场研究表明, AI 服务器和系统集成商市场都在快速增长,这表明人们对 AI 基础设施的依赖日益增加。据Stats Market Research称,全球AI服务器市场规模预计将于2032年达到2343亿美元,2024年至2032年的复合年增长率(CAGR)将超过25%。与此同时,Data Bridge Market Research预测,全球系统集成商市场规模将于2030年增长至9954亿美元,2023年至2030年的复合年增长率为12.18%。这些趋势反映了企业在如何整合先进的AI
VCI Global 获得ALUMNI CAPITAL LP 3千万美元的追加投资承诺,以推动其AI云计算业务在2025年第二季度的发展
(吉隆坡1日讯)-- VCI Global Limited (NASDAQ: $VCI Global Ltd.(VCIG)$ )(法兰克福证券交易所:H0T)(“VCI Global”,或“公司” )今天宣布获得Alumni Capital LP(“Alumni Capital”)3 千万美元的新投资承诺。继 Alumni Capital 先前投资 5百万美元之后,此次以 VCI Global 普通股换取 3 千万美元的追加投资将加强 VCI Global 对其AI云计算业务的战略推进,尤其是 2025 年第二季度的发展计划。VCI Global 保留提取这笔资金的权利,但并无行使的义务,这为公司提供了在需要时获取资金的灵活性,同时保留了在其他资源可用或条件发生变化时放弃提取资金的选择权。 在获得批准的3千万美元资本注入后,VCI Global 旗下新成立的子公司 VC AI Limited(“VC.AI”)将在马来西亚启动人工智能计算中心 (AICC)。该计算中心配备了 512 个 NVIDIA H200 Tensor核心图形处理器(Tensor Core GPU),预计将跻身全球前三十,能够高效处理大量数据,这对于生成式AI和高性能计算应用至关重要。 VCI Global集团执行主席兼首席执行官 Dato Victor Hoo 表示:“我们相信,Alumni Capital 的这笔 3 千万美元投资将极大地增强我们在AI云计算方面的战略增长。它使我们能够在马来西亚建立世界级的 AICC,为全球客户,尤其是东南亚地区的客户提供服务。我们将充分利用这些资源来促进创新并推动AI领域的发展。” 关于VCI Global Limited VCI Global 是一家多元化控股公司,总部位于马来西亚吉
(吉隆坡3日讯)-- VCI Global Limited (NASDAQ: $VCI Global Ltd.(VCIG)$ )(法兰克福证券交易所:H0T)(“VCI Global”,“VCIG” 或“公司” )欣然宣布,它已与马来西亚首屈一指的咨询公司Legacy Corporate Advisory Sdn Bhd (“Legacy”) 签订了一项重要合同。 这笔价值约1千8百万美元的重大交易旨在将四家位于马来西亚涉及电信、废物管理、医疗保健和美容以及休闲等不同行业的高潜力公司带到纳斯达克证券交易所上市。 通过这项开创性的交易将在纳斯达克证券交易所上市的公司包括: · Neutral Transmission Malaysia Sdn Bhd – 专门从事电信基础设施的开发和租赁,专注于为零售服务运营商提供光纤网络。 · I Bella Sdn Bhd – 提供全面服务,包括美容治疗、一般医疗服务、护肤产品以及美容和健康解决方案。 · AE Carbon Capital Ltd – 专注于废物管理和资源回收、绿色建筑实践、能源效率、项目管理和咨询服务以及绿色技术解决方案。 · Autoplay Group Sdn Bhd – 运营和管理卡丁车赛车设施、活动管理服务、自助餐厅运营,并提供电影制作和广告服务。 这份
VCI Global announces 44% revenue growth in its financial results for the six months ended June 30, 2024; announces US$10 million share repurchase program over 2 years
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, August 19, 2024 – VCI Global Limited (NASDAQ: $VCI Global Ltd.(VCIG)$ ) (Frankfurt: H0T) (“VCI Global,” “VCIG,” or the “Company”) a diversified holding company specializing in consulting, fintech, artificial intelligence (AI), robotics and cybersecurity, is proud to announce its unaudited financial results for the six months ended June 30, 2024 (the “Interim Results”) (the “Financial Results”). Financial Highlights VCI Global achieved an impressive total revenue of $13.7 million for the six months ended June 30, 2024, marking a 44% YoY growth. Gross profit experienced a substantial YoY growth of 57%, reaching $12.9 million for the six months ended June 30, 2024. Net income surged to $5.4 million for the six months ended June 3
VCI Global partners with Treasure Global Inc. to accelerate e-commerce and fintech growth in Southeast Asia
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, June 18, 2024 – VCI Global Limited (NASDAQ: $VCI Global Ltd.(VCIG)$ ) (“VCI Global”, “VCIG”, or the “Company”), through its subsidiary, Credilab Sdn. Bhd., today unveiled its strategic collaboration with Treasure Global Inc (“TGL”) to enhance TGL’s e-commerce platform, ZCITY App, into an advanced AI-driven Super App (“ZCITY Super App”). In this strategic partnership, VCIG will leverage TGL’s extensive user base of approximately 3 million users, gaining immediate market access to expand its comprehensive suite of financial services. As fintech assumes a pivotal role in today’s digital economy, its impact on e-commerce is indispensable, offering sophisticated tools and platforms that seamlessly streamline transactions. In this n
VCI Global Limited于2020年4月29日在英属维尔京群岛注册成立。该公司是一家多学科咨询集团,在商业和技术领域提供关键咨询服务。公司的每一个部门和实践都配备了公认的顾问,他们拥有丰富的知识和提供影响的既定记录。凭借公司在公司财务、资本市场、法律和投资者关系方面经验丰富的核心专家团队,公司通过帮助客户预见即将到来的挑战和识别商机,为客户指明了成功之路。该公司利用公司的深入专业知识,通过提供盈利的商业理念、定制大胆的战略选项、提供行业情报以及为客户提供持久的成本节约解决方案,帮助客户创造价值。
12-06 13:00
Form SC 13G - Statement of Beneficial Ownership by Certain Investors