
Always good to see $(DIS)$ stock collapsing when the reality of their socialist policies begin to translate to the bottom line. There's absolutely nothing to see here. A majority of people now say they'll be cancelling at least one of their streaming services because they're burning out or bored with them.
The re-writing of history in the theme parks has also left a mark and whether or not it's showing up on the parks bottom line just yet, it will. People don't want a leftist agenda shoved down their throat when they go to the parks. The theme parks were always supposed to be an escape according to Walt. Now every time you go on a ride that's been cleansed, that's all you're going to think about.
Instead of enjoying the park, you'll be walking around trying to guess the next ride DIS is going to somehow find offensive and destroy. The final straw is when they decided to quit using the words "boys and girls". This company has become a disgrace and let's hope it's reflected in a sinking stock price for years to come. No sane thinking person should want anything to do with a company that has decided "boys and girls" has suddenly become offensive. At this rate you can only imagine what this company and the parks are going to look like 5 years from now.
We had been passholders for decades but wouldn't dream of giving this company another dime after what they've been turned into.


