周报 | Adidas 宣布新的 IVY PARK x Peloton 合作款系列产品



Peloton x Beyoncé 携史上最大的艺术家系列回归

10/18,Peloton 宣布推出 Peloton x Beyoncé 艺术家系列的最新一期 [1],连续三天累计提供 17 个直播及录播健身课程。运动涵盖了单车、跑步、跑步训练营、力量训练、把杆、拉伸以及户外跑步和步行九个类别。同时,Peloton 还表示这将是他们第一次同时提供英语、德语和西班牙语三种语言的课程系列。

作为合作的一部分,Peloton 在去年秋天曾向 10 所 HBCU 大学的数千名学生提供了免费的 App 会员资格,确保学生无论是否使用设备,都可以访问 Peloton 的健身内容。Peloton 表示接下来将在今年秋天继续为大学提供 Peloton Bike 作为健身设施。并且为学生提供实习生以及长期招聘合作机会。

11/22,Peloton 同步上线了一个新的快闪挑战赛,名为 "Source Your Power"。这个为期一周的挑战活动,鼓励会员从 10 月 22 日至 10 月 29 日至少参加 6 次 Beyoncé 艺术家系列课程。具体的课程不只限于本周上线的新系列内容,还包括去年底 Peloton 推出的第一个 Beyoncé 艺术家系列课程。所有内容都可以通过 Source Your Power 主题课程合集[2]访问。

Peloton 宣布两位新的英国跑步机课程教练

10/21,Peloton 博客发文介绍了两位加入他们英国讲师团队的两位新教练。分别是 Joslyn Thompson-Rule 以及 Jon Hosking [3]。

Joslyn 十分多才多艺,她曾与 Nike 合作,并拥有名为 "Fitness Unfiltered" 的播客。她还写了一本名为《如何运动》的书。Peloton 在文章中这样介绍 Joslyn。

A lifelong athlete, Joslyn finds confidence in fitness and running that no one can take away. She believes exercise should be accessible for everyone and has built her career around coaching others to find the confidence to pursue their own goals and cherish their unique bodies—wherever they are on their fitness journey. A powerhouse and a self-proclaimed recovery fiend, she takes a holistic approach to training that nurtures the whole self, because her focus is firmly on the long game. Her warmth, expertise and mantra of “let’s just see” will inspire you to prove to yourself that you can do anything you set your mind to, as long as you’re willing to give it a go.

Joslyn 的跑步机直播课首秀在 10 月 24 日(星期日)美东时间上午 9:30 进行。

Jon Hosking 以前曾担任过模特和健身教练。除了跑步以外,他还爱好划船,他曾经通过连续 5 天划船完成马拉松距离来进行募捐活动。官方介绍如下:

Since his days at Art School, painting has always played an important role in Jon’s life. He’s had studio space in the UK and the US, and loves to lose himself in his art. Time flies by when he finds his flow in the studio, and that is the same headspace he loves to get into when exercising; when you’re so immersed in that very moment everything else in your life just fades away. And Jon knows exactly how to get you there. With classes grounded in positivity and gratitude, Jon mixes unbeatable playlists, a wicked sense of humour and top fitness expertise to always ensure you leave each workout with a bold sense of accomplishment and a smile on your face.

Jon 的跑步机直播课首秀在 10 月 23 日(星期六)美东时间上午 9:30 进行。

两位教练目前都在伦敦工作,因此他们将在新的 Peloton 英国工作室进行授课教学。

Adidas 宣布新的 IVY PARK x Peloton 合作款系列产品

10/22,Adidas 发新闻稿宣布将上线首个 IVY PARK x Peloton 三方联名系列产品[4]。在今年早些时间 Adidas 曾经小规模的尝试与 Peloton 合作发布联名款运动服饰,他们也曾经与 IVY PARK 合作过,但这次不太一样的是 Adidas 同时联合了 IVY PARK 与 Peloton 一起发布新的系列。

这三家公司都算是 Activewear 领域的玩家,因此,这次活动一下发布了 29 件服装组合和一个售价 200 美元的 IVP Ultraboost 运动鞋。这些服装灵感来自 Peloton 品牌,并在此基础上突出“分层造型”(layering looks)。从自行车短裤和紧身衣与配套的胸罩,到宽松的短裤和 T 恤。色调以纯黑和橄榄绿为主,但也有鲜艳的霓虹灯作为对比。另外款式还包括加长的风衣和连帽衫,表明 Addidas 希望同时覆盖锻炼前、锻炼中、锻炼后的穿搭产品。

adidas x IVY PARK x Peloton 系列于 11月 10 日在全球推出,可在adidas.com、apparel.onepeloton.com 和全球精选的 adidas 商店购买。


  • 10/18,Nasdaq 发文讨论 Peloton 的增速与盈利之间的关系[5]

  • 10/18,Peloton 人才招聘 VP 表示 Peloton 预计在未来 18 个月内招聘 3000 至 5000 名新员工[6]

  • 10/18,Peloton 发文介绍如何构建早期的训练推荐系统[7]

  • 10/19,PeloBuddy 介绍 Peloton 的万圣节主题课程[8]

  • 10/20,Peloton 将 Tabata 课程时间限制在 30 分钟以内[9]

  • 10/20,Peloton 澳洲市场扩大到珀斯和阿德莱德[10]

  • 10/21,Peloton SVP Dara Treseder 加入 Robinhood Board of Directors [11]

  • 10/21,Tunde 将出席 NASM OPTIMA Virtual Conference 并发言 [12]

  • 10/21,Dara Treseder 接受 NPR 播客节目采访 [13]

  • 10/22,Peloton 更新规则允许兽医和兽医助理享受 App 会员折扣[14]


Peloton x Beyoncé 艺术家系列课程回归

Cody Rigsby’s Quickstep –  DWST 第五周的表演

Adidas x IVY PARK x #Peloton 系列服饰宣传视频



Peloton x Beyoncé Return With Largest Artist Series Ever | Peloton Interactive, Inc.: https://investor.onepeloton.com/news-releases/news-release-details/peloton-x-beyonce-return-largest-artist-series-ever


Source Your Power Collection: https://members.onepeloton.com/collections/d82da7cf8dc349ab8a4c471b572c1128


Joslyn Thompson-Rule and Jon Hosking Join the UK Tread Instructor Team | The Output: https://blog.onepeloton.com/joslyn-jon-instructors/


Adidas x IVY PARK and Peloton Launch First Collaborative Collection: https://news.adidas.com/running/adidas-x-ivy-park-and-peloton-launch-first-collaborative-collection/s/07812128-bd26-4621-b714-14e78dec19a6


When Will Peloton Interactive, Inc. (NASDAQ:PTON) Breakeven? | Nasdaq: https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/when-will-peloton-interactive-inc.-nasdaq%3Apton-breakeven-2021-10-18


Peloton will hire at least 3,000 new employees over the next 18 months. Here’s how to be one of them, according to the company’s VP of talent acquisition. - WealthInsider | Follow The Money: https://wealthinsidermag.com/peloton-will-hire-at-least-3000-new-employees-over-the-next-18-months-heres-how-to-be-one-of-them-according-to-the-companys-vp-of-talent-acquisition/


Peloton® | Exercise Bike With Indoor Cycling Classes Streamed Live & On-Demand: https://www.onepeloton.com/press/articles/designing-an-early-stage-recommender-system


List of Peloton Halloween Classes - Peloton Buddy: https://www.pelobuddy.com/list-of-peloton-halloween-classes/


Ally Love: Peloton Tabata Classes Now 30 Minutes or Less: https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?class_type_id=%5B%227579b9edbdf9464fa19eb58193897a73%22%5D&duration=%5B%221800%22%5D&instructor_id=%5B%22731d7b7f6b414a49892c21f01e25317d%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=389e6eb007f4408ab5478a113fa5f9fc


Peloton Australia Expanding to Two New Cities: Perth & Adelaide: https://www.facebook.com/onepelotonau/photos/a.122566436618636/200140828861196


Robinhood Markets Welcomes Dara Treseder to its Board of Directors: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1783879/000178387921000044/exhibit991blogpost.htm


OPTIMA Virtual Fitness Conference | NASM: https://www.nasm.org/virtual-optima-2021


Peloton: Dara Treseder : Wisdom From The Top with Guy Raz : NPR: https://www.npr.org/2021/10/18/1047070118/peloton-dara-treseder


Veterinarians Now Qualify for Discount Pricing on the Peloton App: https://www.instagram.com/p/CVTeMats_B7/



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