
$Histogenics(OCGN)$ What is happening here? It is simple: shorts have not covered, so there are a limited number of legit shares available.

We have option calls expiring tomorrow. Limited shares means those option houses want those calls to fall out of the money. It is easier to rig the game against powerless individuals rather than try and explain to the population as a whole why you can not execute contracts because HF's get to run rough shot on the table.

Look at the volume of calls from $8.50 and up that will go out of the money tomorrow if this is below the $8.50 strike. Now look at the amount of shares that are literally shorted for OCGN on the market. This is not rocket science; it is simple math. The powers that be are not going to give up their game on this stock, and they are not going to lose sleep over rigging the game (yet again) to make sure a bunch of retailers get the shaft. They do it every week.


