duolingo 2023年Q4 财报的喜与忧


先说说担忧的点,管理层一直说,我们不能一直加速增长,结果连续 10 个 Q 加速增长了,这回给的指引是Q1 dau 50%增长,给的 2024 年 booking 增长是 28%,比 2023 年book 增长 45%放缓很多,这种情况下,投资者很难给提升估值,只能一个财报一个财报 beat 了才能涨,短期股价会乏力。

1.新进来的用户质量更好,付费率更高,说明 duolingo 有点农村包围城市的感觉,越来越多的严肃学习者实用 duolingo 来学习,这个就像电商开始普及的时候,开始的时候只能买低单价没那么重要的东西,然后单价越来越高

在电话会议记录中,Luis von Ahn提到了关于付费用户转化率的原话如下:

"Yes. So, the way we think about paid subconversion internally is on a cohort basis. And throughout 2023, essentially every cohort of new users had higher free-to-paid conversion. So, we felt that that was evidence of really adding high quality users to the platform. We don't see any reason that that's likely to change in 2024 as of now."

2.family plan 增长超过 100%,目前收入占比18%,家庭套餐用户比例越来越高,这些用户单价更高,留存更好

在电话会议记录中,关于家庭计划(family plan)的留存率和付费情况,Matthew Skaruppa提到了以下内容:

"So, Ralph, as you know, we manage the business to LTV. So, that's why retention is important. The family plan does have a materially higher retention rate on an annual basis, compared to the other, to the annual plan. And so, and it also has a higher price point. So, it's just all around a higher LTV product. So, as we shift more towards family plan, we're just really trying to optimize the LTV of the platform over time. And we think there's a lot of opportunity to do that this year."

3.品类扩张,duolingo music 和 math,刚上线几个月已经是行业头部,虽然绝对值还是非常小

So, they're much smaller than our language courses. But even if that's the case, and even if it's only been for like three months, our belief is that we're either already the largest or among the top largest, in terms of DAUs of apps where you can learn Math or Music.

4.AI 的影响,这个当前环境大家都非常关心,因为一旦是 AI 受损,跌成渣的公司讲了几点

内容创作:Duolingo 使用AI来加速内容创作过程。AI不仅帮助降低成本,而且更重要的是,它允许公司更快地进行实验。例如,他们推出了一个名为DuoRadio的功能,这在以前需要10年时间来生成数据,现在只需几个月。

互动功能:AI还被用于开发基于互动的课程功能。Duolingo 正在尝试使用AI进行角色扮演和解释答案,以及实验与虚拟角色进行口语对话的功能。


技术依赖:Duolingo 强调,如果某项工作可以通过AI完成,公司就会抓住机会使用AI。AI在公司中的应用不仅限于内容创作,还包括基于AI的互动功能开发。

成本节约:虽然AI在内容创作中的应用减少了成本,但Luis von Ahn澄清说,公司并没有因为AI而进行裁员。他们减少的是合同工的数量,而不是全职员工。

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